Sunday, June 2, 2013

Quotes of Pinspiration

I am a sucker for the quotes on Pinterest. If you haven't given in to the addicting world of Pinterest yet (and I mean addicting - pin just one of the recipes that claim to be "Best Chocolate Chip Cookies on the Planet" and I guarantee you will be disconnected from the outside world for a minimum of 15 minutes), just imagine a picture of a saying or quote, usually typed in some fancy font, set against a picturesque background. Not only do you get a pretty picture and dose of wisdom for the day, but that quote may just motivate you to get out of bed a rainy day/run a marathon/get over your ex/find the cure for cancer/conquer the world. Or maybe just continue scrolling through Pinterest for more quotes.

Some of my favorite ones I have found on Pinterest have a loose common theme of being happy in the moment, seizing the day, and being grateful for what we have. With many people losing everything in the recent Oklahoma tornadoes, these reminders are even more relevant. So take my word of advice: grab some chocolate, relax for a moment, take a look at some of the Pinterest findings, and be happy! Its never too late to have a good day.

Or my personal favorite....

Have a happy day everyone =) 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Little Things

Finding joy in the ordinary. A simple concept, but one that many of us neglect on a daily basis. Yes, it is true that I am extremely sleep deprived from writing term papers; the wind whipped me a little too hard in the face on the way to class this morning, and I have a boatload of finals I am stressed about. But why do we focus so much on the bad things when in reality, there is usually more good in our life than bad?

Let's take a whirl at focusing on the positive today, shall we? I'll go first.

1) It is sunny outside today! A particularly good thing after my TOMS got soaked through in the rain yesterday. Twice. Yes, I forgot to change into rain boots the second time.

2) Ryan Gosling has faith in my intelligence.

3) I got to see my mom today, even if it was for a really short time and because she was picking up stuff to take home from my dorm.

4) I finally got that 17 page (read: snore-worthy) Media Ethics paper off my hands. And my best friend was kind enough to print all that dead tree on her own printer because mine was out of black ink...probably because of all my other papers.

5) Enough said.

6) There were people tightrope walking in the quad today. I dare you to tell me that your inner child wouldn't smile at that.

7) My roomie and I got to indulge in the cookies we made without guilt! This is a case where you should not judge a cookie by its looks. If you want to try these fairly healthy, magical banana-oatmeal-dark chocolate wonders, click here!

8) There is going to be a sequel to the Pixar classic Finding Nemo known as Finding Dori! Not new news today, but let's take a moment to appreciate this long awaited moment in history.

9) Ryan Gosling also appreciates the fact that I wore my yoga pants all day today. I knew he was perfect.

10) Lizzie McGuire was on Disney Channel today! 90s kids rejoice! 

I used to dance around in my room to this CD back in the day...oh memories 

Yes, some events have turned our world upside down recently. But this is exactly the reason why we must find joy in the little things. One day, you will look back, and realize they were the big things. (Yes, I am quoting the movie The Vow. But is true!)

As always, 

Image from

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Give the World a Reason to Dance

Reason #897394820 to be happy today: this kid.

This video had its viral time a little earlier in the year, but people could still really benefit from somebody giving them a pep talk everyday. Maybe more than once. So I am featuring this kid - known as Kid President, to be exact - and you can listen to his message as many times as you want. You are welcome.

The idea of creating a Kid President came to Brad Montague a few years ago, after creating a camp for kids who want to change the world. He realized that we can learn a lot from kids, and by creating the Kid President, their voices could be heard. He and his 9-year-old brother-in-law, Robby, create all the Kid President videos that will steal your heart and make your day.

"It's just us having fun and hoping we create something that makes people happier than they were before they clicked play," Montague said on the Kid President website. "Our hope is that each episode is received with the same love that started this whole adventure."

What is additionally inspiring about Robby is that he has Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which leaves him with brittle bones and has caused about 70 breaks throughout his life. Despite the challenge, Montague said that Robby doesn't let his disease define him...oh, and he dances. 

Maybe it isn't that extra cup of Starbucks you need to get through the day, maybe it is just a boost of some encouraging words. Pass it on to anyone else you know who could use a pep talk (in other words, the entire world), and visit to enjoy more joy-filled videos, funny pictures, blog posts about people making a difference, and more.  

If you have a little dose of sunshine you would like to share, too, whether it be a funny joke, cute picture, or the story of how your friend's aunt's second cousin's neighbor saved a puppy the other day, send it my way on Twitter (hash tag #postsofhope), Facebook, or in the comments below! Help spread love for life. Or as Kid President says:

"Love changes everything. So fill the world with it." 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Spread the Love

It is kind of embarrassing how long it's been since I have posted. Let's not count the months. The thing is, I like to take my time to produce quality writing on this blog, and let's face it - life gets busy. But here I am, X amount of months later, just writing and seeing how it turns out. I'll think of it as jumping off a diving board and just trusting myself that I won't belly flop (if you can't tell, I have summer vacation on the brain!).

I will be honest, my motivation for writing is the treacherous events that have happened in the US this week. Bombs, floods, shootings, manhunts...authorities deserve all the congratulations in the world for finding both suspects of the Boston Marathon case, and the media has done an outstanding job of reporting the latest to the rest of the country. Even still, people have had their lives turned upside down this week, and I know it is going to make more than a man being arrested to heal.

But when I set out to create this blog, I made a promise that I would only write about good people and good things. Things that deserve attention, but don't usually get it. Things that could make people smile like I do when a red velvet cupcake is put in front of me. Because, while we live in a world that is famous for dark times, there really is more good in it than bad. We just have to have the eyes to see it.

That's why, in the midst of all the tweets, posts, broadcasts and articles following up on these horrific events, I am going to make it my mission to cover the good. Posts of Hope. Let's get the world smiling, one little act of kindness at a time.

While security cameras are typically used to capture criminals (as we definitely know from recent events), this video represents what is often brushed over on security cameras. Simply titled, "Sometimes, Security Cameras Catch Something Totally Different," this video captures and celebrates the good - and silliness - of humanity. I discovered it on Facebook, but it was originally posted to, a site that aims to "highlight the good, inspire greatness and encourage mutual responsibility for the betterment of humankind." The site has raised money for all sorts of organizations over its 8 years of existence, and they features pictures, videos and stories of people helping others and celebrating the good in life.

So if you're human, and you like being happy, this video and website is for you.

PS: If you have your own little bit of joy to share (it can be as simple as a picture of your dog being adorable! Who wouldn't smile at that?), send it my by Facebook, Twitter, or in the comments below, and I may put them up on my blog! Think of it as a collage of happiness.

Twitter:, hash tag #postsofhope


Monday, November 19, 2012

Run Run Rudolph

    Anyone passing Hollywood Casino St. Louis on Sunday would have thought Santa's reindeer were arriving a little early. 
Participants and their furry friends dressed up in holiday garb.
Groups also created seasonal names for their teams, such as
"Donner's Dashers" and "Santa's Little Helpers." 
    The sound of sleigh bells could be heard as 5K participants tied bells on their shoelaces and set out to fight against arthritis. Since 1985, the Arthritis Foundation's annual Jingle Bell Walk/Run has drawn all ages to its various locations across the country. From costume contests and giveaways to a photo booth and all-you-can-eat pancakes, the Maryland Heights, Missouri participants kicked off the holiday season in style. Add the fact that they beat their fundraising goal of $100,000 with a final total of $105,487, and the race could definitely be deemed a success. 

Attendees enjoyed music compliments of 106.5 The Arch,
entered to win tickets to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra
and Blue Man Group, and could ask questions of sports doctors
who managed booths at the race.

    Arthritis comes in different forms and can affect people of any age. Almost 50,000,000 people, including nearly 300,000 children, are affected by the disease. For more information about arthritis and how you can help, visit - and start planning your Christmas-themed outfit for next year, because the Jingle Bell Run wants you to join in on the fun! 

Thursday, August 16, 2012 August? Yes, you heard right!

Don't judge if you're a "wait-until-December-first-to-listen-to-Christmas-music" kind of person. But I watched the Radio City Rockettes perform one of their newest Christmas Spectacular routines at the Christmas in August celebration three times the other day (Thank you YouTube!).

Yes, one could say that the Rockettes get their holiday spirit on a little early, but their annual "Christmas in August" performance in front of Radio City Music Hall could get even the most Scrooge-worthy people tapping their toes. Used as a promotional tool for the show and a kickoff of the Christmas Spectacular season (pun somewhat intended), Christmas in August was given an even fancier facelift this year in celebration of the Rockettes' 85th year of performing in New York City. Skywriting, a visit from Santa, and a fashion show of some of the Rockettes' most memorable costumes throughout the years made the event definitely one to remember. (Fun fact: The original Rockettes were actually founded in St. Louis!)

The good news is, you do not have to live near sixth avenue or splurge on a plane ticket to Manhattan to immerse yourself in the joy, magic, and skill that makes up the Radio City Christmas Spectacular! The Rockettes will be traveling to Nashville, St. Louis, Dallas, and Chicago this holiday season and promise a show with something for everyone. From the classic living nativity and parade of the wooden soldiers to the new 3D Live video game routine, the Christmas Spectacular makes an effort to balance tradition and modernization year after year.

So wait until December to listen to Christmas music if you must, but grab your Christmas Spectacular tickets now - I guarantee it will be an experience you will never forget!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hey, that's my writing!

Happy belated 4th of July everyone! I hope its been an America-loving, firework-watching, troop-thanking, hotdog-eating kind of day.

In addition to a very fun holiday, I am currently extremely happy because I have the opportunity to introduce Following the trend of internet journalism, Love Twenty is an online magazine created for twenty-something-year-old women. From makeup tips to career advice to how to decorate your dorm room, Love Twenty stays in-the-know about what its readers are interested in because its posts are written by young women, living the lives of college students and young career women every single day.

Operation Beautiful
What I am thrilled and honored to announce is that I am now one of those writers! My first post, an interview with Operation Beautiful creator Caitlin Boyle, was the newest article to be added today. It feels so amazing  to see my own writing on a professional website - I'm so grateful I've been given this opportunity. There should be more articles on the way, but in the meantime check out some of the other features on the site - they are written by some very talented writers and would interest many of my fellow college girls!

You can find my post here . You can also like Love Twenty on Facebook and follow us on Pinterest and Twitter.