Sunday, March 4, 2012

"You Say Spoiled Like its a Bad Thing"

Sit back and relax as authors/bloggers Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan take you into a world of glitz, glamour, and $500 Gucci heels in their debut young adult novel, "Spoiled." The story follows Molly Dix, a high school sophomore from Indiana whose costume-designer mom has died. Her mother left her with one dying wish: to give living with her long lost father a chance...who, come to find out, happens to be world-famous movie star Brick Berlin. But forming a relationship with her estranged father is not the only challenge Molly has to face when she reaches LA - she has to deal with her spoiled, wanna-be actress half sister, Brooke, who is not ready to give up her pedestal as an only child. So begins a series of fights and backstabbing, with a few new-found friendships and run-ins with the paparazzi along the way.

The book is written in third person, but each chapter alternates between Molly's perspective and Brooke's perspective, giving you a well-rounded view of how they each see the crazy situation and the challenges they endure (think social nemisises, neglectful parents, and boyfriend issues). Though it is definitely fiction, the book does take a good look at relationships between parents and sisters. The one thing that bugged me was the somewhat open-ended conclusion (no doubt implying a sequel), but the book makes up for it with its clever and witty writing. Not the most realistic of plots, it's true - but if you can't help immersing yourself in gossip magazine every once in a while or just need some light reading to escape from your own world for a while, this is for you.

PS - If you can't get enough of all things Hollywood, look no further than the authors' blog, Filled with fashion successes and faux pas and all things celebrity, it's perfect for any Hollywood star-gazer.

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