This video had its viral time a little earlier in the year, but people could still really benefit from somebody giving them a pep talk everyday. Maybe more than once. So I am featuring this kid - known as Kid President, to be exact - and you can listen to his message as many times as you want. You are welcome.
The idea of creating a Kid President came to Brad Montague a few years ago, after creating a camp for kids who want to change the world. He realized that we can learn a lot from kids, and by creating the Kid President, their voices could be heard. He and his 9-year-old brother-in-law, Robby, create all the Kid President videos that will steal your heart and make your day.
"It's just us having fun and hoping we create something that makes people happier than they were before they clicked play," Montague said on the Kid President website. "Our hope is that each episode is received with the same love that started this whole adventure."
What is additionally inspiring about Robby is that he has Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which leaves him with brittle bones and has caused about 70 breaks throughout his life. Despite the challenge, Montague said that Robby doesn't let his disease define him...oh, and he dances.
Maybe it isn't that extra cup of Starbucks you need to get through the day, maybe it is just a boost of some encouraging words. Pass it on to anyone else you know who could use a pep talk (in other words, the entire world), and visit to enjoy more joy-filled videos, funny pictures, blog posts about people making a difference, and more.
If you have a little dose of sunshine you would like to share, too, whether it be a funny joke, cute picture, or the story of how your friend's aunt's second cousin's neighbor saved a puppy the other day, send it my way on Twitter (hash tag #postsofhope), Facebook, or in the comments below! Help spread love for life. Or as Kid President says:
"Love changes everything. So fill the world with it."
I adore Kid President!